fixed by law

英 [fɪkst baɪ lɔː] 美 [fɪkst baɪ lɔː]




  1. Mining-gold is a business, like any other, but differing from most in that the price of its product is fixed by law, inexorably.
  2. The ratios are, generally, fixed by law.
  3. The translator shall refrain from any unfair competition in carrying out his profession; in particular, he/ she shall strive for equitable remuneration and not accept any fee below that which may be fixed by law and regulations.
  4. Bankers 'bonuses across Europe would be capped at no more than their fixed salaries under strict new curbs sought by senior law makers in response to continued public anger over financial sector pay.
  5. The ethics of his decision are doubtful. The proportion between the values of gold and silver money was not fixed by any public law or proclamation.
  6. In Paris, only agents de change could receive a commission, at a rate fixed by law, for acting as an intermediary.
  7. For every public use of his/ her translation the translator shall be entitled to remuneration at a rate fixed by contract or law.
  8. Patent length is the fixed number of year that the patent is protected by law. We define patent breadth as the severe extent protected by the government.
  9. The principal factors determining the scale of gas reservoir were the early accumulation and the grade of hydrocarbon abundance sealed and fixed by the super compactification; in other words, it was restricted by the law of the early accumulation and late seal.
  10. Our research indicates that the ownership concentration and structure have great effects on company performance: first, there is no a fixed relationship between ownership concentration and company performance, and the correlation is decided by market criterion and the law protect.
  11. The notary testament, testament fixed on a phonogram, special testament and regulations of witness for testament prescribed by the law system in mainland China have certain shortcomings and need to be perfected by referring to other law systems.
  12. In other words, the parties have the right to establish freely the legal relationship between them beyond the fixed mode provided by law. It is a full expression of autonomy, and its legitimacy should be recognized by law.
  13. The second one goes to the requirements of legislative principles. Stupendous changes take place around the world, whereas the legal texts are relatively fixed. Vagueness can make the denotations of the legal concepts extended to the domain stipulated by law.